Why should you follow this blog? What makes it unique? Well that is an excellent set of questions. We try to post some fun stuff on the blog and lots of pictures of Lucy (the title character of the blog) and an occasional video or two. We write about things that matter to dog lovers and especially boxer dog lovers. So, here are the details of who Lucy the White Boxer Dog is...

Lucy the white boxer dog has been in our family for a little over six years now. She is not truly white but rather what is referred to as a "check boxer" due to her spots. She is not an albino! She has brown eyes and splashes of black on her in addition to her spots. She is a full blooded boxer. She is also extremely healthy with the exception of having a sensitive stomach.

Want to learn more about Lucy and the things we write about her, follow her blog. Better yet, check out some of the older posts. There is a lot of information on the care of boxers and dogs in general... We look forward to see your comments on some of the posts... Happy blogging to all!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Business Trip

I'm on a business trip to The Nederlands and I managed to find some time to go see some of the sites in Germany. Wouldn't you know it; anything that can go wrong will go wrong.

I awoke around 5:30am Saturday excited about the events of the day. I had planned for this event very carefully. I showed up about an hour early for breakfast at the hotel that I'm staying at. I am in The Nederlands with some folks that I work with. And two of us have to drop two other at the train station to go to the airport in Amsterdam. We meet them in the dining room and proceeded to the car to go to the Euro Rail. Yes, you guessed it; one of them left a bag in the breakfast area with their passport inside and their entire ID. Luckily this is a fairly safe and honest place; it was exactly where they left it.

A trip anywhere is an adventure here, especially if you don't speak Dutch. But following the GPS' instruction in the car gets you where you want to go eventually. You do follow the great circle route however!

After dropping our coworkers off Bob Hartoon and I set out for Koln, Germany. Following the route on the GPS once again we made it to our route A4, which is part of the autobahn, arriving about 10AM. Well as soon as we arrived I was excited about shooting some photos of the Cathedral of Koln. This is a church that dates back to the 4th century. Anyway, I got out my D-40 and wouldn't you know it, the battery is dead. It was fully charged the night before but I had left it on over night after downloading some pictures to my laptop computer. Ok I think, I'll just use my cell phone camera and there is no need to get upset. You guessed it again; my cell phone is dead as a brick. Apparently I had left it on as well. So, with no charger to charge my camera or my phone I was stuck using the old portable Kodak disposable with 5 shots left. We took a total of 3 pictures.

After travelling all that way to get only 3 pictures of a structure that I think I could spend a week shooting and not get everything I wanted was a total tragedy! Needless to say I went shopping in Koln and found two different types of chargers. One for my phone in the car with and then one that I can use universally to charge just about any lithium battery made! Moral of the story, don't leave home without you battery charger, it'll set you back about 40 Euros to fix the problem...

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Inside every Boxer beats the heart of a clown...

Lucy went to the park today. She ran like she's never run before. Hopping and skipping through the grass with the greatest of ease. Although we were there for less than a half an hour I can honestly say she had a great time.

Boxers in general require a great deal of physical activity to be healthy and happy. They are great athletes and require a good deal physical training. You can train a boxer to do just about anything if you can break through the inner clown that is in every Boxer. This requires patients.

Boxers have the ability to be a guard dog, herder,hunter, the best of family pets and even a retriever if necessary. They are incredibly intelligent dogs. All a person has to do is introduce the activity to the dog in a positive manner and praise them when they get it right. Once they understand that it pleases you to see them do the activity, they'll gladly perform for you over and over again. This is part of their Psyche, they want to make you happy! This is probably true for most dogs, but especially true for the Boxer!

The one thing you must do to get your Boxer to perform for you is have patients and provide them with the training they need to be successful. Training will require time on your part however! If you have a dog that just doesn't seem to be catching on, you will have to do one of two things, either spend more time on training or find someone well versed in the type of activity you are looking for and have them train the dog.

One thing I will caution you on is the trainer. Make sure you examine the training methods used by the trainer. You want to find someone who trains through positive reinforcement versus someone who uses more stern methods. People to ask about training will include your Vet or maybe the folks at a quality boarding house such as Pet Smart or Pet Co. They usually have the inside track on quality trainers...

Yes Lucy is a big clown but I like to consider her a big well trained clown that loves people and wants to please all.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Cruelty to Animals

My daughter Whitney, who lives down in Abilene, TX sent me an article to read about a person who was being charged with cruelty to animals. It seems that the person in question abandoned her two dogs and the house she was living in. The two dogs in question were locked in the home for almost two months with limited food and water.

The two dogs were finally rescued when the home was to be inspected by the company trying to sell the abandoned home. Both dogs were on the verge of starvation. It seems that they had been living off of whatever they could find in the home and their own fecees. Now this is cruelty at its hight!

In these days of homes for unwanted animals and shelters, why would anyone just lock an animal in a house and walk away? What kind of reasoning goes on in the mind of an individual that would do something like this? It would almost be kinder just to take the critter out and shoot it? Of course I'm not advocating shootting a dog that you don't want but I think you get my meaning. There are a lot of options for caring for an animal that you don't want or can't afford to take care of!!!

In my way of thinking, I trust that the individual responsible for this has the book thrown at her! There is just no excuse for this type thing happening.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Ear Infections

Wow, has it been a whole week sense I've written in this blog. Well I've been busy to say the least! The spousal unit had surgery,work is piling up, and Lucy has an ear infection. How's that for a start?

Today's topic is ear infections and Boxers. Lucy is on her second ear infection in the last 3 months. I found out recently that Boxers are very prone to yeast infections in their ears, especially "White Boxers" with their light colored skin (pink to be exact).

The spousal unit, my wife Terri, was discussing this topic with my daughter who happens to be an ex-Vet Tech about the recurrence of the ear infections. What we found out was White Boxers, who usually have some type of difficulty with either their earring or their eye site, are very susceptible to yeast infections in their ears. Most Vets recommend that you wash their ears out every other week or so to prevent infections. This was a total surprise to me! After years of dog ownership, mostly Golden Retrievers, I felt totally stupid!!! I had no idea, and the Vet never told me that I needed to clean my dogs ears that frequently.

There is a solution that that you can buy from your dog's Vet that will totally prevent the occurrence of ear yeast infection. If I had only known that I needed to perform this action on a frequently recurring basis, I would have fulfilled my obligation! Now I'm having to treat her problem, which occurs mostly in the right ear with "Remicin Ointment". "Remicin" can only be obtained from a Vet. It contains gentamicin sulfate which is a sulfa drug. It's amazing how it keeps Lucy from scratching at her ears and it works really fast. The next step is to take her back into the Vet for a proper ear cleaning.

So what's the story here, I'm not sure? All I know now is my favorite critter in the whole world needs to have her ears cleaned every other week! A lesson learned and one that I would like to pass on to other fans of the Boxer Dog, especially the White Boxer. Best of luck to you with your favorite critter...

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

What a crazy couple of weeks…

What do you do with a dog that is highly active and someone gets ill in the family? Well here’s our story on the topic.

About 10 days ago Terri, my wife, gives me a call and asks me to meet her up at the emergency room at the hospital. She was having some pain in her right side and thought it might be an appendicitis problem? Well it turns out that the problem is something else but it will require surgery to correct.

It took a few days to get the surgery scheduled, so Terri sat me down and worked out a schedule where I could be supportive to her and also take care of our critter Lucy. Terri and I are kind of on an island, dependent upon one another due to the fact that our family is spread out all over the United States and no one but “us” in Memphis. The schedule was arranged to allow me to support her needs as well as Lucy’s schedule of events.

We began our morning of the surgery by getting up early in order to take care of Lucy. She and I even made our morning walk together while Terri put the last minute items together to go to the hospital. Our show time at the hospital was scheduled for 10:30AM with the actual surgery to take place at 12:00PM. The operation actually took about 45 minutes with the recovery room time of approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes.

Once Terri came into the room that she would be spending the night, I ensured that she was ok and comfortable then she directed me to go home and take care of Lucy. Lucy met me at the back door with gratitude. She was bit behind in her daily schedule and needed some outdoor time and a treat. Which I accommodated! Then we spent a little time together and I was back off to the hospital to take care of Terri again.

Upon my arrival back at the hospital I found Terri to be ok but heavily sedated with pain medication. I was going to spend the night at the hospital with her but she insisted that go home and take care of things there and let her get some rest. Besides she said, “What are you going to do here, watch me sleep”? So I spent about 3hours with her and then I went back home and did the rest of the items she had scheduled for me to do and spent some time with Lucy.

Ok, so what’s the moral of the story Bob? I guess it goes something like this! Responsibility can be met with the proper schedule. Lucy is part of our family and our responsibility, if I had not been able to perform the tasks required to meet all the needs of our family (Lucy included), I would have to have come up with a different plan, one that would have required us to board Lucy in order for her to get the care and attention that she needs. Bottom line, take care of your responsibilities…

Monday, May 11, 2009

Why would someone get a dog that they don't really want?

I was reading an interesting article the other day in a Charles Schwab newsletter and it hit me like a ton of bricks. The article was stating that "35% of all investors said that emotions influenced their investment decisions. But recent brain scanning reveals that emotions are actively triggered in decisions involving risk and reward, indicating a lack of self-awareness that may prevent investors from reaching their investment goals." My ah-ha moment came to me when I was up on the local adopt a pet site and saw so many homeless animals. People are buying dogs and cats based on emotion without thinking the process through!

Here's how it works- The human brain can be broken down into two parts when it comes to acquiring new things or taking a risk such as a new puppy or kitten. The two parts of the psyche are referred to as the "Reflexive" and "Reflective" brains. Our inner brain (Reflexive) reacts instinctively and emotionally while our outer brain (Reflective) manages our reasoning and our ability to comprehend what we are truly doing. Have you ever gotten scared and reacted to some stimulus? If you did, what happened was emotional and reactive I'm sure. This is your survival mode (Reflexive brain) which is also the part of the brain that addictive behaviors are stored. We achieve great gratification by satisfying the Reflexive brain.

I believe this is why people get animals that they really don't want or need. They get caught up in the emotion of the moment and don't take the time to reflect on what dog or cat ownership is really about or requires. I'd like to take a survey on how many folks have acquired an animal that they ended up cutting loose or turning over to a shelter because they didn't think through the process.

I guess the bottom line of this post is, if you are thinking about getting a new animal, you should really think through the process. Is this animal going to be an inside or outside critter? Who is going to be the primary care giver to the animal? What are the costs associated with owning this animal? Is this animal going to be an integral part of your family or is someone else going to manage it for you? If you don't think through the process before you get your new pet, I'll bet that there will be another homeless animal awaiting adoption in your area.

Please, think before you buy!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Some Reflection Time...

It's another rainy day in Memphis! Most of Tennessee is under about a foot of water today. It always rains here in Memphis during the "Memphis in May Festival." That's why a lot of the locals refer to it as the "Memphis in Mud Festival." For those of you who are not familiar with this event, it is a week long music fest that is put on once a year here in Memphis. A lot of great stuff goes on in the downtown area including many concerts from great acts from all over the globe and some of the best barbecue in world is cooked. But this is not what I wanted to write about today.

Last weekend was beautiful weather! The temp got into the 80's and Terri and I decided to take the Mini to the "British Car" gathering up on the north side of town in Millington area. We didn't take Lucy on the trip because we had just cleaned the Mini up for the show. But I wish we had.

At the show we viewed many great old British sports cars. A couple were models that Terri and I had once owned. My favorite two cars in the entire world were there- the 72' Triumph TR-6 and a 68' MGB. I've owned models of both of these cars in my youth. What a great day it was to see these cars again! Anyway, this is not what I wanted to write about either.

What I want to write about is something that I observed at the car show. I saw people there enjoying their day out in the sunshine. They brought their kids and some brought their dogs. One dog in particular made an impression on me. He was a "Bernese Mountain Dog" (I hope I spelled that right?), a cancer survivor and an adopted pet. His mate was also there, also of the same breed and also adopted.

What impressed me about the male,we'll call him "Sam", was that Sam had a leg amputated due to cancer! Now this is one big dog, and to be running around like he was, was most impressive! The missing leg did not slow him down one bit! He was happy and very approachable. Both he and his mate were two of the best behaved dogs I have seen in a long time. Great pets, that had been adopted and are happy and well.

Two cute boxer puppies were also at the show. Sam and his mate greeted them like they were long lost family members. Sam was so gentle with the young dogs. I couldn't help but be please with the nurturing behavior that I observed.

To wrap this up, I would just like to put in a plug for adoption of pets. Even though some animals may appear to have a handicap, with love and patience on your part they can live happy and healthy and provide you with the companionship that only a survivor like Sam can offer. It was truly a great experience for both Terri and I to meet this brave dog and his wonderful owner...

If you are thinking about a new pet, check out the adoption centers in your area. There many more great examples of wonderful dogs to be found.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Combination Approach To Feeding Your Boxer!

Most commercial foods will offer your Boxer great sources of protein and vitamins, although fresh food contains far more essential sources. Chicken and meat for instance, have far more protein and minerals than any type of commercial dog food. Fish is anotsher great choice, as it contains a lot of the protein your dog needs to maintain a healthy body and brain.

Although you can get commercial food for your Boxer, the ideal way to feed is to use a combination approach of both commercial food and fresh people foods. Most commercial food is good for your Boxer, although it lacks nutrients and vitamins that fresh food has. Vets will tell you that fresh food is good, providing you don’t overdo it. Boxers love fresh food as well, as tshey can smell it a mile away. If it smells good to them - they’ll want it!

All dogs are well within the capacity of staying healthy, although you need to provide them with the minerals they need. Each dog is an individual, meaning that you can’t continue to feed her the same food on a daily basis. Boxers love people food, and they also love variety. What they need one day may vary tshe next, so you should always mix it up a bit and give them something different each day.

To be on the safe side, you should give your Boxer a little bit of everything. This way, she will get everything she needs with her diet. When you design the diet for your growing Boxer, you should always make sure to include animal protein. This is very important for your Boxer, as she has to have it. Without animal protein, your dog will find herself literally struggling to stay healthy.

To keep your Boxer healthy, it is very important that she gets quality nutrition. Although quality nutrition is very important, you should never let her eat so much that she gains weight too fast. If you monitor her diet and know exactly what you are feeding her, she should remain in her weight class. Sometimes this can be hard to help though, especially if your Boxer starts to develop allergies to a certain type of food.

If you ever have any questions regarding the diet of your Boxer, you shouldn’t hesitate to ask your vet. Your vet could make some recommendations for you, even tell you the best type of commercial food for your dog. Depending on her individual needs, what she requires may be totally different than what another dog needs. As long as you keep your dog on a healthy diet and make sure she gets the food she needs - she should grow to be a healthy dog with plenty of energy.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Socializing Your Boxer!

Let's start from the begining with your Boxer. Socializing your Boxer is very important and it should be started at a very young age. As you may already know, all dog breeds behave different in front of strangers, with some dogs choosing to ignore people altogether. They may choose to glance at someone, then go on to pay no attention to him. On the other hand, some dogs are the total opposite and love to meet everyone they can. These types of dogs love attention, and will take any attention they can get.

Some Boxers are happy with those they have come to know in their own family, or those they have selected to be friends. Others on the other hand, may feel comfortable just around those of the same sex. Most Boxers like children, although there are a few rare cases in which certain types of Boxers like adults but not children. This is extremely rare, and is normally due to the way they were bred or raised.

When your puppy is between the ages of 8 weeks and 8 months, socializing him is extremely important. During this time, you should always do everything you can to ensure that your Boxer meets other people. Although he may be shy at first and not have much interaction, he will eventually come around. You will need to be patient with him during these times, as he will need quite a bit of reassurance from you.

Your dog’s parents also contribute to socialization. If the parents of your Boxer were good with people and other dogs, the gene could very well be passed on to your dog. On the other hand, if the parents were shy or aggressive dogs, those genes could be passed on as well. Pups inherit the traits of their parents ,which is why it is very important to make sure that the dogs being bred are compatible with each other - and share a passive temperament.

If your puppy was separated from his mother before he reached the age of seven weeks, he won’t learn many of the social signals taught to him by his mom and his siblings. Boxer pups that are brought to a new home earlier than seven weeks will normally tend to end up somewhat aggressive around people. Although they may be aggressive towards people, they may be shy or fearful around other dogs, as they lack the social skills needed to be themselves. Or you could have a reversal where the Boxer is shy or fearful around people and aggressive toward other dogs.

Sometimes, if a puppy was injured or frightened during his early years, he can end up with a state of trauma. This type of thing leaves a huge scar in the mind of a puppy, making it very hard for him to get past it. Most Boxer pups that have been injured or frightened by an individual never get past it. They may end up fearing humans in general, or being very aggressive towards them when they feel frightened. When you take your puppy home for the first time, you should always make him feel welcomed, and never let anyone or anything harm him.

To better socialize your Boxer, you should always make sure that he gets plenty of interaction with other people and other dogs in his breed. This way, your Boxer will learn how to socialize at any early age. When he gets older in life, he will carry these skills with him. Boxers that are sheltered or not given the proper amount of interaction will turn out shy towards people and other dogs. With your Boxer being your companion for life - you should always ensure that he gets the socialization he needs.

Monday, April 20, 2009

A great image!

I found this picture on the Internet and had to share it with all those who live with a white boxer. This picture so typifies our white boxer Lucy! I'm interested in acquiring pictures of other dogs to post on this blog or links to other photos. If you have some great shots of dogs doing crazy or cute things, please pass them to me and I'll post them or link to them.
thanks, :)

Sunday, April 19, 2009

A thought on basic command training for your Boxer!

My friends over at "Dogs Deserve Freedom (their address is in the Links section of this blog)", brought up a training issues that I thought I would address on this site. "Yelling at your dog is not very good for many corrections."

In my day job I sometimes teach a Communication Course. One of the stats that we through out there is that words have the least amount of meaning in any conversation due to the filter involved in the Communication Loop! The stats break down something like this:

Words = 7% of meaning
Tone = 35% of meaning
Body Language = 58% of meaning

Guess what, your dog actually understands about 6-10 words total and I'm talking about a truly intelligent dog here! This is a big filter to get through. You may as well be speaking French to your dog! What they do understand is tone, body language, and association of meaning. They reach this association of meaning through training, repetition, and socialization.

So, yelling at your dog to get him to sit, hold, come to you, or whatever you are trying to achieve is the least effective method of training your dog! What follows are some tips for training that I've found to be very effective in dealing with our Boxer- Lucy.

When we were training Lucy we found that if we used the formula of:

Name it!
Praise it!
Click it!
Feed it!

You need to start off by buying yourself a clicker, some dog treats, a leash, and some time. Don't expect your dog to get it right the first couple of times you do this training. Association of meaning may take longer for some dogs. Pavlov didn't get his dogs to salivate on the first attempt either!

For the sit command, start off with a treat in your hand raise it above your dog's head. This will induce him to look up and bring his rear end down, sometimes in the position that you want him in. Once he achieves the sitting position, click your clicker and give him the treat. Every time you have a positive behavior that you are trying to teach, click the clicker and reinforce with something the dog likes such as a treat, a favorite toy, or praise. Lucy likes treats so we use treats. Yelling won't be necessary if association and reinforcement methods of training are used.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

What makes a good dog owner?

I've been doing a lot of reading and reflecting on this subject lately and here's what I've found!

To be a good owner? First of all, you can't own a dog! You can be a member of their pack and they can be a member of your family, but you just can't own a dog. You own things not dogs! So let's change the subject to- How do you become the good alpha member of your dog's pack and they a trusted member of your family? It works both ways.

First of all, you must be willing to put in the time to train them on how to behave. This means providing them with the tools to be good family members. You must supply them with the basics first- A clean, dry and inviting environment that they can call their own. Just like with a child, you need to do a bit of dog proofing around the house as well as setting the boundaries of good behavior. You must supply them with exercise time and toys that are theirs. And most of all you must be consistent in what you do with them and for them.

Yesterday I wrote about Lucy's routine. Dogs love a routine! They like to be able to predict what the next event of the day is going to be. Lucy's routine is on a schedule and she let's us know when that schedule is out of whack! Her behavior will tell us every time that we've messed up her schedule. A typical event that would indicate a problem is when she gets on the counter in the kitchen or perhaps has an accident in the house. These types of behaviors indicate to us that we've obviously messed up her routine. Yes, I'm saying that it's not necessarily the dog's problem, maybe the alpha person has done something to throw the dogs behavior out of whack!

Hey, the phone just rang and I have to run! I'll continue this thread tomorrow when I have more time. Let me know what you think of the ideas presented. Later!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Stay on Schedule...

Wow, I didn't realize the schedule that Lucy keeps! It's been unchanged ever since Lucy came to live with us! Our day begin at 6:30am when Lucy jumps into bed with us. Imagine 65 lbs. of dog jumping into bed with you every morning! She always manages to push me out of bed to get to the most comfortable and warm spot she can find. She sleeps for the 30 minutes it takes us to get ready for work.

At 7:30, she's ready for her morning walk. If I'm not ready, she sits there and woo-woos at me until I am! Every morning when I open the garage door she's looking for the neighborhood squirrels to "mock" chase. Yes, she's on a leash! I go flying out of the garage to the park area behind our house in the tow of "Lucy the eager boxer/hunter."

By 7:45 we are back into the house. Actually I drop her off the leash and she runs to the back door of the house. She knows that Terri has her breakfast already in her bowl and she's excited to get to it!

In order to accommodate Lucy's needs, I leave from work to go to lunch around 11am. When she was a pup I'd go home mid-morning and then again at noon. But now that she's more mature, she can handle things until about 11:15am when I get home to walk her. During the lunch walk we repeat the morning adventure of hunting the local critters and do our business. We then spend some quality time together at lunch playing, training and eating.

The afternoon break is no longer necessary but when she was a pup, Terri or I would break out of the office to go let her out for a potty break. But now the schedule is to wait for me to get home around 5:15pm. This is when we spend more time outside exploring the neighborhood and taking longer walks. One thing I can say about Lucy is she never tires of taking walks... most boxers don't!

Terri and I keep different schedules. She gets home later than I do, therefore we have that event to look forward to. Lucy knows when she should be home and her behavior reflects the fact that when either of us aren't on schedule she let's us know about it. Anyway, Lucy greets Terri with the classic boxer dance when she gets home and then strategically places herself between Terri and I. Yes, she likes to rule the pack...she's an alpha, which means I have to be an alpha+!

Lucy's next big event is after dinner when we go out one more time for our evening walk. This is the walk where she has to ensure everything is secure for the evening and a last chance to check for the squirrels again! This usually happen around 9pm in the evening.

Now you may be asking yourself right about now, why is this guy writing about a schedule for his dog? Because, in order to have a dog as a member of your family you have to make a commitment to do the right things. Raising a well socialize and behaved dog requires a lot of dedication on the owner's behalf. It's a commitment to the care of another one of God's creatures. What you sign up for when you have a dog is much like what you sign up for when you decide to raise children. It requires you to be caregiver and schedule keeper. I'll talk more about this in my next post.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Memphis Tigers

If you've been following the news on sports at all lately, you'll know that all good things come to an end. The University of Memphis has lost their head basketball coach to the University of Kentucy. I guess they just had to much money for him to say no too! Well the entire basketball program is up in the air at the moment. The grade "A" recrutes that were coming to Memphis are now headed elsewhere. As a matter of a fact, we no longer even have a basketball coaching staff at U of Memphis. Hard times are here again! The bright spotlight on Memphis has extinguished itself, maybe to never relight again. We'll just have to wait and see! A short tradition of great basketball in the City of Memphis has come and gone... This is a mystery wrapped in an enigma!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Congrats to the Memphis Tigers

Anyone who follows college basketball has heard of the University of Memphis. I just wanted to note how proud the City of Memphis is of their local university. For a city that takes a lot of bad press at times, it is good to see a positive light shown on the city. Yes, the Tigers lost in the round of the Sweet 16 last evening but they had a fantastic year and the town is proud of their University of Memphis Tigers! Memphis is truly one of the great cities of the south! Birthplace of Rock and Roll, Home to the Blues, and the mighty Memphis Tigers!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

What a great day!

If you have been following this block at all, you know that we just recently moved into a new house. Not a new house but a new house to us in a different area of Memphis. Well I've got to tell you, the area is great! We now live in Germantown which is a suburb of Memphis but still part of the Metro area. The reason I'm actually writing is to tell you about the hike that Lucy and I went on today! The wife had to work and I had "spring fever" as well as Lucy needing some exercise.

Lucy and I headed out on a walk of the neighborhood and came across a really great find. You see, about 2 blocks from our house is an area called "Forrest River Trail" just off of Wolf River Road here in Germantown. The trail is a nature trail in the middle of a Metropolis. The trail follows the Wolf River, which flows into the Mississippi River. The Mississippi is about 20 miles west of us here in Germantown.

What made the day so incredible is the fact that we have a nice wilderness area to play in two blocks from the house. Lucy actually got to get off the leash and played like the Boxer she is...she had a great time and so did I!

It's been wet in Memphis this week and the park service took the time to build a couple of really nice foot bridges on the trail that has become very muddy and hard to get through. Lucy couldn't resist the temptation to play in the mud. As a matter of fact "Lucy the White Boxer" became Lucy the "Very Muddy Black Boxer!" I wish I had thought to bring along the camera today, there were some things worth shooting... Maybe next time. I've included some shots of Lucy in the field from some other trips that we have taken together.

To sum this up, if you ever find yourself in Memphis and you just need a walk, look up the local area hiking trails, especially in east Memphis and Germantown. I'm sure that you won't be disappointed. I found out that there are some other trails near by and I'll write up a review as I tour them with Lucy and the wife!

Ciao for now!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

My Digital Camara

As many of you have probably guessed, I love to take pictures, and my favorite characters are my pet Lucy and my family. In the old days I use to shoot a lot of film in my old Nikon F1 SLR. I mostly shot black and white film and then would have it converted to digital media in order to send the pictures to friends and family or post them to a blog or website. Well over the past year I decided to bite the bullet and buy a digital SLR. This saves me time and money on developing film and gas for the Mini.

When I first started researching digital SLRs I was stunned at the variety of camera's on the market. And believe me,today, there are varieties of digital cameras to choose from! Whether you shop either at the department store or online stores, you will see lots of them. I caution you, different digital cameras offer different features and capabilities. This is the reason why choosing one is getting more and more difficult. Once you see what each have to offer, you will obviously have a hard time deciding which one to buy. This happened to me!

One of the usual mistakes that people commit when buying their own digital SLR camera is to be enticed by what the advertising mediums have to say about them. By the time they own that camera, they will realize that they are not as good as they first thought. At this point it is too late to return it and opt for another kind.

Keep in mind that getting a digital SLR camera should take a lot of consideration. Just like buying a car, you have to consider all aspects since this is one thing that you want to work well and would want to have for a long time.

Below are some of the things that will aid you in your decision making process before buying a digital photography camera of any kind?

1. The cost.

Ok, so you want the latest Canon digital camera out in the market (I prefer Nikon, but it's your choice). But are you ready to shed the needed amount of money for it?

Cost is a big factor when buying a digital SLR camera. It is obvious that the best camera comes with a price. And your budget may not exactly encompass its high cost. The entry level Canon Rebel Digital SLR will set you back somewhere around $600+.

This is not saying that cheap ones are not as good. There are those that you can get for a reasonable price and still works just as well as an expensive one. You need to shop around for the best deal first before you decide on one. Better yet, maybe you can save up on that expensive camera that you wanted all along. This also gives you the opportunity to research the software features the various digital cameras offer. The software package can make a lot of difference in you satisfaction with the camera.

2. The purpose.

Will you be using the camera to shot your family members? Or are you planning to shoot some good photos worthy of a professional?

By knowing what use your digital camera will have, it will be easier to determine the type of digital camera to buy. If you buy a simple one that can be used at home, you will not get the capabilities that you need if you plan on taking really good photographic pictures. On the other hand, it would be a waste of your money if you have the latest digital camera only to be used for personal photos at home.

3. The durability.

Since digital cameras are more expensive than the conventional film cameras, you definitely would want something that will stay durable for a long time. You want something that will last even through rough handling and seasons. (My old Nikon F1 has been in my family for over 25 years. I hope my new digital SLR lasts that long?)

If you happen to purchase a typical digital camera you may want to buy some accessories to protect it from scratches and damage. It is best however to get one that is known to have a good quality and durability. Nikon and Canon are both known as rock solid cameras. But they are two very different SLRs. My Nikon has the auto-focus feature in the lens where the Canons are body driven focused camera. The one draw back to having a body focused camera is when the auto-focus fails, you either have to have the whole camera fixed or repaired as opposed to just replacing the AF lens on the Nikon.

Get the best value out of the money that you will pay for a digital photography camera. Think hard about these important factors first so you will get it right the first time.

Ok, now it's time to tell you which camera I bought and why? I ended up buying the Nikon D-40 complete kit. The reasons are simple, my last Nikon has lasted me most of my adult life. The Nikon D-40 met my budget and has a superior camera body along with a super software package. It also handles much like my old Nikon and I can shoot the camera with all of my old lenses I have bought over the year, in manual mode on the camera of course! I also did a lot of research on the camera. The only negative about the Nikon compared the Canon is the pixels count. The Nikon only has 6.1 mega pixels compared to the Canons 10.0. But I'm not shooting professionally and I trust Nikon! The Nikon, in my opinion has a better software package and comes with everything you need to integrate with you computer. Any questions?

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Tips For Training Your Boxer

Although there are many training tips for Boxers, chewing is the most common. Boxer puppies love to chew, and will chew anything they can get (Lucy chewed the bottom cushion of two very expensive wing-backed chairs as a pup-ripped them to shreds as a matter of fact!). Although chew toys are preferred, there is a way that you can help your Boxer fulfill her natural instinct to chew, and help her to ease the pain of teething as well. This is what we did to help out with Lucy's problem...

To start, simply fill an old sock you have with several ice cubes. Next, put a knot in the sock and place the sock with the cubes in the freezer. When your puppy starts to chew on things, simply give her the sock. You can keep several socks with ice in it in your freezer if you want, so your puppy will always have a chew toy. Although this is great to use, you should never leave your dog alone with the sock. She could end up chewing the sock and swallowing pieces of it, which could lead to very serious health problems.

During leash training, a lot of people prefer to attach the leash to the Boxer then drag him in the direction they want him to go. This isn’t the best way to train, as it often sends the wrong signal to the puppy. Instead, you should first get your Boxer puppy used to the collar and the leash. You can do this by putting his collar and leash on inside the house or outside in a fenced in area, so that she can walk around and move about freely with the leash on, dragging it alongside her. I actually prefer a harness to a collar, but use what you have available.

Once you have given her some time, pick the leash up, then start calling her to you. Once she comes over to you, start praising her for it, so she knows that she is on the right track. Always be patient when leash training, as it will take some time for her to get used to it. If you continue to praise her when he is doing it right and continue giving her time to get used to the leash, you shouldn’t have any problems.

Digging around
Digging is something that Boxers love, as it is essential to their nature. Digging can be somewhat frustrating if you don’t give your Boxer an area to herself, as she will dig holes in your yard. If you keep your Boxer indoors, she may try to dig in the floor, on the couch, or on the bed. Digging is part of their nature, and you should never punish a Boxer for digging. I think this was also part of Lucy's ordeal with the wing-back chairs!

To help her fill this need, you should give her an area to dig in. You can get her a kiddie pool or sandbox, filling it with either soil or sand. Then, try burying a treat or toy in inside, so your Boxer will dig to get it out. Once she learns this is where she should dig, she will more than likely head to that area when she has the need to dig. Later on, when she becomes a bit older, you should invest in obedience training classes that will help her to get her digging habits under control.

The above tips can help a great deal when training your Boxer puppy. Boxer’s are great dogs, although you’ll need to have a bit of patience with them. I'd actually say that Boxer's require an Alpha type owner. Even though they are very smart dogs, it may take them time to learn. Once they start learning however - they will become an integral part of your family that you couldn’t begin to live without. I just don't know what we would do without our Lucy!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Eye and Heart Disease

Eye disease is very common with Boxers. Most Boxer’s will generally have hereditary cataracts, which is a common eye problem. At an early age, with affected Boxer’s, one type of hereditary cataract will appear. Even though it may not cause interference with the vision of the Boxer, some dogs will progress into total and quite possibly severe loss of vision. White Boxers are especially sensitive to eye and ear deceases. It is said that approximately 18% of all White Boxers are born deaf or have some type of eye problems.

Sometimes, Boxers can get affected by non hereditary cataracts, although an examination by a board certified veterinarian can determine just how bad the cataracts really are. If cataracts are indeed suspected with a Boxer, then breeding won’t be recommended. Breeding a Boxer who has this condition can lead to serious problems, such as passing it on to the pups. Under no circumstance should you breed two White Boxers. It is probably best that you have any White Boxer spayed or neutered as a pup.

The White or Check Boxer breeds have been known to carry genes for CPRA (Central Progressive Retinal Atrophy), which affects the retina, and can result in permanent blindness for Boxer’s at a young age. There are other types of eye defects as well, such as retinal dysplasia, which prevents a Boxer from breeding.

Trouble with both the eyelid and eyelashes are also a possibility with Boxers, with some being the result of hereditary factors. The eyelids rotating in or out or the eyelashes rubbing on or in the eye are both common problems with the breed. Even though surgery can help to fix these types of problems, dogs that are experiencing this type of problem shouldn’t be allowed to breed nor compete in shows under any type of AKC rules.

You should always have your Boxer checked annually for eye disease, as it can develop during any age. When you take your Boxer to have her examined for eye disease, you should have a veterinary ophthalmologist do the exam. He has all of the necessary equipment, and the proper training needed to make sure that your dog gets the best examination possible.

Heart disease
SAS (Subvalvular Aortic Stenosis) is the most common and widespread form of heart disease within the entire Boxer species. Before you breed your Boxer, you should always have him examined for heart disease by a certified veterinary cardiologist. If the cardiologist detects a heart murmur, he will recommend additional tests for your dog.

In the event that the results prove negative, it doesn’t necessarily rule heart disease out, as some milder forms may still be present, although undetectable. If a Boxer is diagnosed to have any type of heart disease, he should not breed. Breeding Boxers who have heart disease can lead to serious and sometimes fatal results. To be on the safe side, you should always have your Boxer tested for heart disease before you plan on breeding.

Another safe guard for all dogs, not just Boxers, is to maintain regular checkups with the vet and have your dog examined and treated for heartworm. This is a totally preventable condition with regular treatment of heartworm medication. Don’t let your best friend fall victim to this preventable condition!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Just had to show off this picture...

Hey everyone, I know this blog is about Lucy, our boxer dog but I just had to show off a picture of one of Lucy's best friends. Our grand daughter Sophie just got a new bow and she thinks it's real cool! Here are a couple pictures of her discovering how cool it is to be a little girl...

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Crazy times...

Wow, what busy times these are for us! It looks like Lucy will be getting a new doghouse. Yes, we are moving and we are getting close to our move date. Once we get settled into our new place, I'll get busy updating this blog on our new adventures. We are looking forward to this move for several reasons but I won't bore anyone with the details. Just note the lack of postings is largely due to our pending move. Happy blogging to all!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Consider Adopting An Older Boxer!

Those of you who want a Boxer but aren’t ready to go through the trials and tribulations of a puppy, should look into adopting an older Boxer. Older Boxers are mature, and prove to be great in homes where they need to spend a quality amount of time by themselves. They are a very adjustable breed, being good tempered. No matter how old the Boxer may be, he will quickly become a valued member of your family in little to no time at all.

Many times, breeders will have older dogs for sale. There are several reasons for this, which include show dogs that have lost their potential, studs that have been used for breeding, female Boxer’s that have been bred a few times then retired, or other types of special conditions where a breeder is helping a friend get rid of his Boxer. There are other reasons as well, although whatever they may be - the adult Boxer will be available for anyone who wants him.

Most older Boxers are already housebroken, and known a lot of behavior patterns and how to adapt to a new and loving family. Although it will be a little hard on your new dog at first, if you give him plenty of love, attention, and patience, he’ll be just fine. You need to keep reassuring your new Boxer on a regular basis, and let him know that you are his new owner and that you love him and you are glad he’s a member of your family.

If you have been thinking of adopting an older Boxer, you should make sure that you learn everything you can about him. You should also determine his temperament, and whether or not it’s compatible with your family. You should also learn important things as well, such as his diet, likes, dislikes, daily routine, and his habits. Before you decide to take him, you should always make sure that the members of your family meet him as well, so you can talk it over and decide whether or not everyone wants the dog to be a member of your family.

With an older dog, you need to take care of him for the first days, and let him know where everything in your home is. You’ll need to show him where he sleeps, where he should use the bathroom, and where his food is. Take your time and be patient with him, as it will normally take him a few days to learn how things in your home work.

You should always give your new Boxer at least a month or so to get used to his new environment, before you start his new obedience training. Even though your new dog may have some prior obedience training, you should still enroll him in a new class. This way, he can brush up on training and you can work with him to help him understand. Once you have finished training, he’ll understand your commands better and you and him will get along just fine.

All Boxers, regardless of their age, love attention. Older Boxer’s on the other hand, may have medical problems that you aren’t aware of. You shouldn’t let this stop you from getting one though, simply because the rewards that you’ll find are far greater than any cons that may come to mind. Although many people don’t give a lot of thought to getting an older Boxer- they are perfect for families who don’t want to put up the time and troubles of raising a puppy.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Studing the Paranormal?

I've been watching a show this year called "Ghost Hunters" or "TAPS" allot! So, you know what I've been doing in my spare time! Well, I just found a really good ebook on the subject Click Here! . It's a good read! I've actually learned more on the subject than I actually wanted to know! I put the link in because I felt I had to share this with someone. The price of the book is somewhere around 15 dollars and I think it is well worth it. You'll have to read the splash page for yourself and make your own determination but I found it to be very interesting.

I was never a person to believe in ghosts or haunting spirits until I started watching the show on the Sci-Fi channel. I've seen and heard some things that just make me go- hum! I know this is totally off the topic of my dog Lucy but hey, who doesn't want to know more about the paranormal. Besides, Lucy watches the show with me!

I hope you enjoy the book if you decide to buy it! It doesn't hold any punches back good or bad... The thing I like is the fact that it defines all the different types of paranormal activity which makes watching the shows a lot more enjoyable!

Monday, December 29, 2008

Traveling With Your Boxer

Boxers love to be included in family activities, which includes take rides in the car and traveling. They love attention, and love for you to treat them just like they are a member of your family. When you first get your Boxer puppy, you’ll have to teach her how to enjoy car rides and traveling, so she can come to appreciate it more as she gets older.

When you decide to take her traveling for the first time, you should always give her food in small amounts throughout the day, while she adjusts to traveling. If you feed her a lot of food before you head out, she may get sick in the car and have an accident. By reducing the amount of food that she consumes, she’ll be much more in control of her bladder and herself.

When you are traveling, always plan to make frequent rest stops and allow your Boxer time to relieve herself. You should also take some time to exercise her and yourself as well, stopping every few hours for bathroom breaks and exercise. Boxers will hold themselves if they need to, although it isn’t good for them. No matter how far you travel, you should always be kind to your dog and stop every so often to let her have some time.

A common mistake that many have made, and one you should avoid at all costs, is letting your Boxer ride in a moving vehicle with her head out the window. Although you may think this is a good idea, your Boxer can easily get an eye, ear, or nose injury. Cars and trucks move at very fast speeds, and something can pop up when you least expect it and do serious damage to your dog.

When you stop for a break or to fill up your car, you should never allow your Boxer to be alone in the car with the windows up. Even though you may crack the windows for her, the heat of summer can result in a heat stroke if you aren’t careful. If your dog does get a heatstroke from being locked up in a hot car, she can easily die before you are able to return to the car. If you simply must leave your dog in the car, make sure that you park in the shade and give her plenty of air.

As long as you do your part and take care of your Boxer when you travel, she will love to travel with you. Traveling is something that your Boxer needs to get used to, although most adapt to it fairly quick! Once you have taken your dog traveling with you, she will know when it’s time to travel and eventually learn to tell you when you need to stop so she can use the bathroom.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Socializing your Boxer...

Socializing your Boxer is very important. As you may already know, all dog breeds behave different in front of strangers, with some dogs choosing to ignore people altogether. They may choose to glance at someone, then go on to pay no attention to him. On the other hand, some dogs are the total opposite and love to meet everyone they can. These types of dogs love attention, and will take any attention they can get.

Some Boxers are happy with those they have come to know in their own family, or those they have selected to be friends. Others on the other hand, may feel comfortable just around those of the same sex. Most Boxers like children, although there are a few rare cases in which certain types of Boxer like adults but not children. This is extremely rare, and is normally due to the way they were bred or raised.

When your puppy is between the ages of 8 weeks and 8 months, socializing him is extremely important. During this time, you should always do everything you can to ensure that your Boxer meets other people. Although he may be shy at first and not have much interaction, he will eventually come around. You will need to be patient with him during these times, as he will need quite a bit of reassurance from you.

Your dog’s parents also contribute to socialization. If the parents of your Boxer were good with people and other dogs, the gene could very well be passed on to your dog. On the other hand, if the parents were shy or aggressive dogs, those genes could be passed on as well. Pups inherit the traits of their parents ,which is why it is very important to make sure that the dogs being bred are compatible with each other - and share a passive temperament.

If your puppy was separated from his mother before he reached the age of seven weeks, he won’t learn many of the social signals taught to him by his mom and his siblings. Boxer pups that are brought to a new home earlier than seven weeks will normally tend to end up nippy or aggressive around people. Although they may be aggressive towards people, they may be shy or fearful around other dogs, as they lack the social skills needed to be themselves.

Sometimes, if a puppy was injured or frightened during his early years, he can end up with a state of trauma. This type of thing leaves a huge scar in the mind of a puppy, making it very hard for him to get past it. Most Boxer pups that have been injured or frightened by an individual never get past it. They may end up fearing humans in general, or being very aggressive towards them when they feel frightened. When you take your puppy home for the first time, you should always make him feel welcomed, and never let anyone or anything harm him.

To better socialize your Boxer, you should always make sure that he gets plenty of interaction with other people and other dogs in his breed. This way, your Boxer will learn how to socialize at any early age. When he gets older in life, he will carry these skills with him. Boxers that are sheltered or not given the proper amount of interaction will turn out shy towards people and other dogs. With your Boxer being your companion for life - you should always ensure that he gets the socialization he needs.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

I'm thinking about a ski vacation...

I've been thinking of a ski vacation and I wanted to share some of my
thoughts on the issue with you.

When you start thinking about ski vacations, you will find a lot of information about various resorts and packages. Finding terrific vacation spots isn't difficult,
however, finding ski vacations that fit into your budget can be a challenge.

To save money, look for lesser known resorts. This doesn’t mean that these resorts won’t provide you with a fun vacation – it simply means that they aren’t
quite as well known as other resorts, and therefore, the prices may be a great deal cheaper. Also look for ski vacation packages that will include your lodging, lift
tickets, lessons, rentals, and possibly even some meals.

Be willing to make some sacrifices if money is a real issue. For instance, instead of eating in an expensive restaurant each night, eat cheaper fast food, or make
sandwiches in your room. Borrow equipment from friends instead of renting it. Join a group for lessons instead of taking private lessons. Don’t stay at a
lodge, stay at a motel farther away from the slopes if necessary. There are numerous ways that you can cut down on the expense of your ski trip. It is all about
the powder after all!

One more thought in the process is bringing that favorite pet on the vacation with you. This is sometimes impractical unless you are driving and you use pet friendly accommodations. I really like taking Lucy on all my vacations whenever possible. Sometimes this is a limiting factor as to where we stay... Now where to go this year?

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Bedding for your Boxer

Bedding for your Boxer is very important, as this is where he/she will be spending quite a bit of time - especially at night. The ideal bedding for your Boxer should be a natural fiber, such as wool, as wool absorbs most moisture and will keep your companion warm. Where to get your blanket, you can try thrift stores, as they aren’t very expensive. You don’t want to buy an expensive blanket, for the fact that Boxers have been known to chew as a puppy. They can chew or tear the blanket in no time at all, which would make an expensive blanket a waste of money. Boxers are full of energy!

When bringing your Boxer puppy home, he may be a little upset having to leave his mom and the others of his litter. The scents and memories that he's come to know and love are now being replaced with totally new ones. If you provide a towel for your Boxer to sleep with, it may help to ease him a bit. Towels are a great way to remind puppies of their mom and their litter, which will help them to sleep and relax.

If you are planning to have your Boxer sleep with you, you should be ready to get up in the middle of the night and take him outside to use the bathroom. You should keep his food and water near his bedding at all times, so if he gets hungry or thirsty he can get what he needs. Then, you should plan on taking him out around an hour or so after he has eaten.

If you plan to leave your Boxer outdoors, you’ll obviously need to use a different style of bedding. Lucy never stays outdoors! Doghouses are essential for any dogs who stay outdoors, as it helps to keep them warm and free of weather. Inside of the doghouse on the other hand, most people tend to use straw so the dog can make a bed out of it. You can also use a blanket or quilt as well, so that your dog can wrap himself up in it should he get cold.

You can also use wooden shavings, as most dogs tend to like them. Newspapers work good as well, as they give your dog something to lay on besides a wooden floor. Although doghouses work great for outdoor dogs, you should take your dog for walks on a daily basis and let him join you in activities that he finds enjoyable. This way, you can build a unique and lasting friendship with your pet. Boxers can quickly become the best friend you've ever had - as long as you take care of them. Making sure that they have the proper bedding is a great place to start.

For a great selection of beds for you dog click here!

Monday, November 24, 2008

One more picture

I just had to post this picture of our family in Memphis. It's a picture of Terri and I with of course Lucy. Lucy is actually looking at the camera in this one. We had a great time hiking the camera and tripod into the area we took the picture in. The nice thing about this time of the year here in Tennessee is you don't have to worry about snakes. I hate snakes!!! But I really like the area down by this creek! The background was super for a picture!

It's cold in Tennessee

As you may well know, it's late fall here in Memphis and the weather has turn cold and wet for the most part. As a result, Lucy received an early Christmas present in the form of a new coat to wear on her walks in the weather. Take a look, she actually loves the thing. We let her sleep in it the other night just because she wouldn't let us take it off her. What a crazy dog! Boxers are almost human when comes to heat and cold tolerance. This dog really likes her comforts!!! We picked up her new coat over at Pet Smart for around $25.00, we thought we got a good buy. All we really know is Lucy loves the coat!!! I'll try to post some video of her prancing around in it when I get a chance.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Surgery and Recovery

Wow, I did not think that it would take me this long to recover from what I thought would be a quick surgical procedure and an even quicker recovery. I won't go into the details of the surgery but rest assured that it has not been a pleasant experience. The supposedly low pain procedure has turned into quite an ordeal. I take two steps forward and one back in recovering. Doctors like to push the pain meds as well. Most of the time I don't even like taking aspirin. Some of the pain meds that I've taken over the last couple of weeks would put most people on cloud nine. I've been trying to work during this recovery period but I have found it to be most difficult! Maybe tomorrow I feel better...Until tomorrow!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Hey everyone

Sorry about not updating the blog lately. I'm coming off my second operation in two months and my re-coupe hasn't been as quick as I'd like. The doctor wants me to do lots of walking and less setting at my computer for the next few weeks and I must comply. Just thought I'd take a moment to explain the lack of postings. Give me a couple weeks and we'll get all my sites back up to full strength. I hope and pray that everyone that reads my blogs is in good health and spirit. I know what it is like to be down. My constant side kick Lucy is doing well. She just has this gentleness about her every time I return home from the hospital. It's like she knows when I'm not feeling particularly well and adjusts to the role of spirit keeper. She sure brightens my days lately with her gentle, kind and entertaining ways. People can learn a lot from their pets.

See you in a bit! Good blogging to all...

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Human Food for Your Boxer

A lot of people wonder what type of human food they should feed their Boxer. Even though many prefer to stick with dog food and only dog food, there are certain types of human food that Boxers love - and is actually good for them. Boxer’s crave attention as we all know - and when they watch you eat it never hurts to give them a bite - as long as you know what they should and shouldn’t consume with their diets.

For your Boxer’s health, feeding him foods such as chicken, raw vegetables, turkey, brown rice, fruits, and oatmeal are always great. Even though we think of these type foods as “human food”, they are actually good for many animals as well. All dogs have taste buds and noses, meaning that they get very excited when they see you with food.

If your Boxer runs to the refrigerator when you open it up, he’s trying to tell you that he smells something good. Even though he may run to the refrigerator, he isn’t begging for food as many think, he is simply wanting to have some real food. Once your Boxer starts to do this, you should give him some of what he wants. Although most real food is great for Boxer’s, there are some that aren’t quite so good.

Egg whites
If you feed your Boxer a large amount of egg white in his diet, he will get a deficiency in biotin, which is a B vitamin, due to the amount of avidin, which is a very destructive substance. If you are feeding your Boxer egg yolks, you shouldn’t worry as the effects of avidin will be offset by the high biotin levels that are found in egg yolks. You can also feed your Boxer egg shells as well, as they contain a large amount of protein. If you want the best for your Boxer - try feeding him raw eggs - with the shell intact.

Any form of Chocolate
We all know never to feed chocolate to any type of animal. Chocolate contains bromine, which is very toxic to both dogs and cats. Unsweet chocolate is by far the worst to feed to your Boxer, as it contains a large amount of bromine. Bromine is a very harmful chemical, one that normally leads to death of your animal should he be fed any type of chocolate.

There are other foods out there that can be good or harmful to your Boxer. If you have any questions, you should always ask your veterinarian. Your Vet will be able to recommended real food that is beneficial to your Boxer, as well as foods you should avoid. You can experiment with real food if you like - although you should never allow your Boxer to consume any type of chocolate.

If you would like a very good guide to feeding your dog Click Here!

Friday, September 12, 2008

An Update on Lucy...

Wow, this is the funnest area of all the things that I do online and yet I dedicate the least amount of time to the project. I haven't really sat down and written about Lucy the White Boxer Dog in first person in some time now! I must change this!

For everyone that is interested, Lucy is doing well. Right now I have her on the fat-girl program! Since I took ill a couple of months ago, I haven't been up to taking her out on her almost daily hikes and she's put on a little weight. The last time I weighed her over at the Vet's, she was up to 75 pounds. That's a bit heavier than I would like her to be. Boxers tend to develop real problems when they're to heavy, especially joint and hip problems. So, Lucy's on a diet!

She doesn't like the fact that she doesn't get as many treats as she used to get. She's limited to just a couple a day now. We've also cut back on her food portioning. We feed her Royal Canaan Boxer Blend dog food. It's a special food blended just for her needs and her sensitive stomach that we buy over at PetSmart. The only problem with the food is she tends to put on weight if we fail to measure out her food. She's down to 2 and 1/2 cups of the food per day now. We may step it up a little once we get into the winter months. Oh, I forgot to tell you, Lucy also loves waffles! I made the mistake of giving her a portion once and now every time I get the waffle machine out she comes a beggin'.

I'll post some new pictures of Lucy this weekend for all to see. She really is a great dog!!! Do I dare say it - "I love Lucy". What a great name for a really great dog!

Until next time :)

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Is obedience Training right for your boxer?

Obedience training teaches your Boxer how to perform various activities. This type of training focuses on general behavior as well, teaching the dog to be well behaved. Most dogs who go through a class in obedience training turn out to be well behaved and will listen to your commands and shouldn’t do things such as chewing and barking for no reason. If you want your Boxer to be well behaved and obedient, you should enroll him in a obedience training class as soon as you can.

Keep in mind that there are certain lines and distinctions with each type of training. If you choose obedience training for example, then your Boxer won’t get any help with his behavior. When you select a class for your Boxer, you always want to select a class that fits his needs at that time. If you are having trouble controlling your dog, you may want to start him off with behavior training, which is what most Boxer owners tend to do.

When you look for a training class, you should also know what area your dog needs help with. Sometimes, a behavior pattern can be the result of boredom, which can easily be fixed by spending more time with your dog. Once you have spent more time with him, you’ll sometimes notice his pattern to stop. Other times however, he may need a bit more help with certain behavior patterns, which is where training comes into play. Although Boxers are smart dogs, they won’t know if they are doing something wrong unless you show them.

Before you can train your Boxer puppy, you need to know what to teach him. Boxer puppies adore routines, and feel more at ease than ever if they are on a schedule that they can predict. When you take your dog to training, you should always be patient with him and reassure him that he is doing good. As your Boxer gets older and begins to learn new things, he will never forget his training. In the unlikely event that he starts to slip on some of his training, you can always let him go through a course again to brush up on the techniques. This way, no matter how old your Boxer gets, he will always be the ideal companion that you have grown to love over the years.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Hi to our kids in Texas

We put this video together for our kids last summer. If you are a parent and you are separated from your kids by some measure of distance, you understand the message that we wish to send with this video. Look for Lucy in the video as well. She's a big part of our family. Notice that she appears a lot of shots when we are playing our guitars. Hope you enjoy the posts and once again we would like to high to our kids Aaron, Whitney, Lauren, Robert (son in law), Sophie(grand-baby and chunky monkey , and Justin (future son in law)...we miss you all!

Here are three great shots of our Lucy and me. The first two pictures depict her active lifestyle. The picture of her on one of our couches is what she does in her spare time. She's put on a bit of weight this summer due the high temperatures here in the Mid-South this year. Boxer's don't tolerate heat very well, much the same as most people don't, so we've just not been as active. Even when we went to Shelby Farms and their "dog park" this past weekend, all Lucy did was splash around a bit in the pond and then look for a shade tree. The sun really got to her! As a matter of fact, we have to guard against sunburn on her. Enough rambling, trust you enjoy the pix. Novo

Monday, July 14, 2008

I just had to post this picture of Lucy! This is such a good pose, it's almost as if she knew she was getting her picture taken. Sometimes I think animals are smarter than most people give them credit!!!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

4th of July weekend!

Hey everybody! The 4th of July had Terri, Lucy and myself traveling to Texas to be with family. The cool little gal in the shades is the latest addition to our family. We'd like for everyone to meet Sophie E'lynn our new grand baby. We have a great shot of Lucy giving Sophie a ride on her back. Boxers are definitely great kid dogs! I'll try to post more pictures of the big visit in a later posting. It's amazing we live in Memphis and all our kids are in Texas. We miss them allot... It's nice to visit as often as possible.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Memphis in Mud

Saturday May 3rd, Terri(the wife) and I went to Memphis in May. If you've been following the national weather seen you'll know that we have had a lot of rain this spring. We stood out in the mud on Saturday evening for 4 hours to be able to get up close to the stage to see Carlos Santana, one of my favorite guitar players of all time. We also saw Buddy Guy and Lou Reed. Buddy Guy was fantastic, Lou Reed was barely tollerable and played none of his classics, kinda boring if you ask me. What a great concert Carlos Santana put on! He and his band came on stage at 10:30 and did not finish until 12:40am Sunday morning... Can you say worth it!!! If you ever get a chance go see Carlos Santana, go!!! You won't be disappointed. Lucy stayed at home that evening, no dogs are allowed on the grounds at Memphis in May. She greeted us at the door at about 2:00am in morning in classic clown boxer style...What a super evening we had! If you need a vacation in early May and you want to include music to your trip, check out Memphis in May. You can get discounted tickets in March and April for all 3 days of the music festival. Please bring a poncho and rubberized boots. It always rains, but good times can be had!!!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Not feeling well...

Sorry for not posting anything for a bit. I haven't been feeling well as of late and work has kept me quite busy. Lucy's adventures are about to kick off again real soon. The weather in Memphis and the surrounding area is starting to get really nice. We are looking to go hiking over in the Smokies just as soon as I get into a little better shape. Lucy is getting excited! Please return soon for our next post.
Ciao for now!

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Rocky Mountain National Park

At one time, the Rocky Mountain National Park was known by
early explorers as “America’s Switzerland.” Although there
are many beautiful mountains for hikers in this country, none
beat the Rocky Mountains.

The beauty is breathtaking, the colors vivid, the wildlife
diverse, and the air crisp and clean! The entire park covers
approximately 415 square miles, meaning you have a huge
selection of areas to backpack. One of the favorites is
outside of Estes Park, a quaint little town with a big heart
and even bigger history. This area of the park has massive
alpine tundra that covers about 65% of this area.

If you backpack on the lower section, you will be walking
through ponderosa pine, juniper, and Douglas fir trees.
Wildlife includes large herds of elk, coyotes, marmots, badgers,
and bighorn sheep. Since this park offers more than 355 miles
of trails, it is considered among the best in the United States.

The only downfall to backpacking in the Rocky Mountain National
Park is that because it is so incredible here, people come from
around the globe to get caught up in the experience. Therefore,
fighting crowds is a possibility, even in the backcountry.
In fact, each year more than three million people visit the
Rocky Mountain National Park although not all backpack.

Keep in mind that because this national park is so precious,
special permits are required for backpacking on some of the
trails as well as camping. In fact, you would need to make
reservations ahead of time. While you can reserve a one-day
permit to stay in the backcountry overnight any time during
the year, from June to September, you are limited to seven
night stays.

You can learn more about backpacking, including how to plan for
a trip, what to bring, how to pack and how to remain safe, by
buying a new ebook, “A Beginners Guide to Backpacking”.

Here is just SOME of what you will learn by reading this
comprehensive ebook:
- The unwritten rules and backpacking ethics shared by fellow
backpackers – you’ll know what to do and what not to do in
every possible situation that could arise out on the trail!
- How to properly plan for a backpacking trip – knowing this
important information could very well be the difference between
having a safe and a disastrous outing!
- Five things you must know before going out on a backpacking
trip – skip these important steps and you will be inviting disaster
- The truth behind the statement “great campsites are found –
not made” – and what you can do to ensure you always have a top-notch
- How to build a campfire safely – you may be very surprised at
what you read here! What to do with food to ensure that it is not stolen or eaten by
animals – this tip will keep you from going hungry later on!
- Four tips for remaining safe while backpacking – follow these
important tips and ensure that you return safe and sound!
- How to choose the right equipment – this is the most important a
spect of successful backpacking ... I’ll tell you what you need,
what you don’t, how to pick out the best equipment and even how to
save money on your purchases!
- How to develop an equipment buying strategy – so that you don’t
end up spending your entire savings on equipment!
- What to expect as far as backpacking costs – read this information
and ensure you won’t be surprised or unprepared later on!
- How to pick the perfect tent – The book will advise you what size is best,
what features are essential and much, much more … They’ve even
included a list of the best tents available and recommended
- How to pick the best backpack – there are hundreds of options
available, they’ll tell you how not to be overwhelmed by the wide
selection and how to choose the very best one for you … I’ve even
included a list of the best backpacks available and recommended
- How to select the right boots/shoes – this information will
help ensure your trip is not ruined by sore feet!
- And much, much more!
- You can find this ebook here! be sure to type in "Beginners Guide to Backpacking" in the "search window" to go directly to the book.
Here's to good camping! thanks, Novo

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

My dog is smarter than yours...

What a great shot of an obviously very intelligent dog... My wife sent this to me the other day and I felt I had to post it... cool picture!

Here is something I believe in...

Pledge to Fight Animal Cruelty

I took the pledge won't you. I love this organization...

A new friend

I would encourage everyone who visits this blog to head over to my new friend's blog. Himalman's blog is really great if you like mountain adventure. He just posted a summiting of Mt. Everest on his blog. This guy is living a dream life... you can find him in my neighborhood section on the right side of this blog.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Run your car on water...

As you might have guessed by now, I'm a bit of a tree hugger. My wife and I both drive fuel efficient cars. I drive a Mini Cooper and she drives a Miata. Well I've been spending a great deal of time online lately and I came across this great idea and I felt I needed to share is with everyone. This is something that I can really get behind and I've already ordered my guide to build my own kit for my already fuel efficient vehicles. If you are interested in learning more about how to run your car on water to increase fuel efficiency just click here! I couldn't believe what I was seeing when I saw this. I'll let you know as time goes on how this is working out.